Exhibition – Venice – 2024


Photography exhibition
Blank Wall Gallery exhibits in Venice

Exhibition Duration: 27 June – 29 June 2024

Participating artists:

Al Treder # USA, Anatoliy Anshin # Japan, Angelik Kasalia # Greece, Anthi Kollia # Greece, Anthony Freeman # UK, Anthony Horne # UK, Antoine Buttafoghi # France, Arun Pant # India, Beatrice Calastrini # Italia, Carla Mormile # Brazil, Caroline Peppiatt # Germany, Charles Crain # USA, Christina Karagiannis # Greece, Christos Magoulas # Greece, Claudia Missailidis # Brazil, Costas Panagiotopoulos # Greece, Dave Hanson # USA, David M Root # USA, Doug Turetsky # USA, Eftychia Kazouka # France-Greece, Eleftheria Roussou # Greece, Eythymios Simeonidis # Greece, Fioreciela Apanomeritaki # Greece, Frederic Deschenes # Canada, George Aivalis # Greece , George Kyropoulos # Greece, Georgia Paraskevopoulou # Greece, Gerald Gutschmidt # Germany, Giannis Ambatzoglou # Greece, Greta Schehola # Norway, Guy Lambrechts # Belgium, Henri Kandiyoti # Turkey, Hugh Walker # Barbados, Ilya Trofimenko # Germany, Ioannis Radiotopoulos # Greece, Isidoros Printezis # Greece, Itamar Dotan Katz # Israel, Janet Milhomme # USA, Jean-Christophe Beauvais # France, Jeanna French # USA, Jeremy Bach # USA, Jerome Clark # Canada, John Giannatos # Greece, John Potter # USA, Jung-Chul Hur # South Korea, Karen Safer # USA, Kata Kerényi # Hungary, Kate Brogdon # USA, Katherine Ignas # USA, Kleareti Argyropoulou # Greece, Kristine Rudziankova # Latvia, Kylo-Patrick Hart # USA, Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece , Larysa Jaromska # Poland, Lena Lelentzi # Greece, LIM Sau Kong # Malaysia, Luca Nebuloni # Italy, Lucia Simion # Romania, Malgorzata Mikolajczyk # Poland, Marevi Denaxa # Greece, Margarita Samartzi # Greece, Margrieta Jeltema # Italy, Markos Dolopikos # Greece, Mary Sue Weinstein # USA, Maureen Vastardis # USA, Maurizio Cecchini # Italy, Maya Aleshkevich # Russia, Merja Varkemaa # Finland, Milena De Matteis # Italy, Nikolaos Fragkos # Greece, Nikos Apostolopoulos # Greece, Nikos Papadakos # Greece, Nikos Sotiropoulos # Greece, Nopi Sotiriadou # Greece, Panos Lagouvardos # Greece, Paul Lewis # Canada, Pawel Krzywon Majewski # Poland, Peter Titze # Germany, Petros Heliotis # Greece, Rainer Würth # Germany, Ralph Tepel # Germany, Raphaël Eyraud # France, Rebekah Helton # USA, Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra # Mexico, Richard Bidgood # USA, Ritsa Karasmanoglou # Greece, Robert Barcia # USA, Robert Morrissey # USA, Ron Colbroth # USA, Rosemary Miklitsch # USA, Sarah Morton # Scotland, Skirmute Udrenaite # Lithuania, Sonya Tanae Fort # USA, Stefanie Waiblinger # Germany, Stephan Wolf # Germany, Tailai OBrien # Australia, Takis Anagnostou # Greece, Tatiana Kassari # Greece, Terry Thorpe # UK, Tyrrel Jonns & Lena Davis # Australia, Umberto Kamperveen # USA, Vasilis Kostoulas
# Greece, Will Shotwell # USA, Winish Chedi # Netherlands, Yannis Larios # Greece


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30pm to 9:30pm
Saturday: 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Thursday & Sunday: Closed